Papa took pictures last week of the kids last swimming lesson. They really loved the water (as long as it is warm :)) and we really enjoyed spending the time with them learning something new.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Last day of swimming lessons
Papa took pictures last week of the kids last swimming lesson. They really loved the water (as long as it is warm :)) and we really enjoyed spending the time with them learning something new.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Yurt camping and more
We camped in a yurt this last weekend with Papa and Granna; and we had a great time. We drove up the Going to the Sun Road, and my parents were a little nervous of the drop off, but they appreciated the views and were glad they went. There was a front loader at the top, and Colton had to make sure that he saw it wherever we were up there :) silly kiddo!
The yurt camping was fun, they were situated a little close to the road, but all in all, it was comfortable and the kids slept all night, so that is really all that matters, right?!
Happy Birthday, Roxanne!
oh, and 5 years ago today, Tyler and I started dating on our trip to Mt. Fuji in Tokyo, Japan! 5 years and 2 kids later.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Granna and Papa and the week
We have been having an awesome week with Granna and Papa, and still have a bit left with them! We went to the lake over the weekend and had some lunch (it was really windy!) and we have enjoyed the company and the kids like to show off. Tyler and I got another date night (which is always welcomed). Colton and Tyler made some AWESOME guacomole! and Papa and Granna enjoyed the backyard sun (and hammock). Great family, great times, great week. And of course, cheetoes.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Making raspberry jam for the first time EVER!!
I just got done making some raspberry freezer jam... for the first time in my life! I have always wanted to "can" something, but have been kind of nervous to try it. But I finally did! With the encouragement from Danielle, my sister in law (Thanks!!) I decided to try an easy recipe that didn't take much on my part.
I purchased a flat of raspberries at a local fruit stand, and got to work! I actually had a pectin crisis, and at 7pm, called up a local health organic store (they were closed) but the owner (?) answered, and said they carried the brand that I wanted (pomona's universal pectin), and he graciously offered to wait for me right then and let me come pick it up!! What an awesome store!! (It is Whithey's, in Kalispell, for those of you wondering) I wanted this specific brand because you don't have to use as much sugar, and even instead of sugar you can use honey (it was 4 cups of sugar in reg. recipe, compared to 1-2 cups in this!) So.... thanks, Whithey's!
I began by reading directions, and moving pretty slowly, just to make sure I was getting it right; but it was really easy! I ended up with 7-16 oz jars and 5-8oz jars for the freezer! Wow, we are set for awhile.
And even better, the kids got to help mash the berries! How cute. Try it yourself.... it was easier than I thought.... and nothing is better than homemade jam!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday loves
1. The new book I am reading called Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Really good read.
2. The way Ayla dances around when she is happy
4. The mosses growing in the backyard.
5. Cuddling with the kids on the couch to rest (with the cat too!)
6. Roses picked from the front yard.
7. The beautiful purple lavender in our front (Ayla LOVES the purple)
8. Our farm share that is getting more plentiful every week! (broccoli, peas, salad stuff, garlic things, some herbs, and some cabbage!)

9. Sitting on the deck in the peaceful mornings.
10. Knowing secrets!!!!!
2. The way Ayla dances around when she is happy
4. The mosses growing in the backyard.
8. Our farm share that is getting more plentiful every week! (broccoli, peas, salad stuff, garlic things, some herbs, and some cabbage!)
10. Knowing secrets!!!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Colton's 3rd Birthday!
We had such fun celebrating Colton's third birthday yesterday. He is such a wonderful little boy, and each day has been full of surprises and wonderful memories!
Tyler built him a cake (from scratch) and decorated it all by himself... we had some friends over to celebrate with burgers, hotdogs, and of course cake and ice cream!
The kids all ran around the yard and played, which was so fun to see. Colton is finally learning to play with other kids!
Happy Birthday, Rascal!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Camping at Bowman Lake in GNP
For the holiday weekend, we decided to take a camping trip to beautiful Glacier National Park. We chose Bowman Lake, because we had heard the west side of the Park was less crowded... and we heard right! We traveled by really bumpy dirt/gravel road to the 48-site campground. We had a great time and rode our bikes around, Tyler did some fishing, watched the deer that roamed the campground in search of campfire morsels, and we hiked a bit at the even more secluded Kintla Lake. Unfortunately, that is where my fun ended! After hiking about 3 miles with the kids on our backs off and on, we made it back to the car. My back was just a little "sore", nothing bad; yet. After getting back to our tent, it hurt a little more, and then by bedtime, it was really hurting. I like to think that I have a high pain tolerance (after giving birth naturally, twice) and I would rate it at a constant pain at about a 3-4 level, without moving. So Tyler took me to the doctors on the way home, and I received some pain medication. Hopefully I will feel better soon. But, regrettably, I don't think I will be running any races anytime soon. I was so looking forward to first a 5k, then a 10k, and then a half marathon. Guess I will have to wait until later. Maybe next year. I know I will be out of commission for at least a week, and then they tell you to not run for a couple months!! So bummed!
Hope everyone had a great fourth of July, and catch up with you soon.

Colton asleep in the tent, after Tyler had removed everything and packed it up! He was still asleep! The kids being cute watching out for cars together (below)

Right after Ayla fell in the water while Tyler was trying to fish; the kids playing in the bike trailer (below)
Hope everyone had a great fourth of July, and catch up with you soon.

Friday, July 3, 2009
Swim Lessons
We decided the kids would benefit from swim lessons this year, so we signed them up! Last night was our first class, and guess what?! The kids loved it! Ayla was just jumping in the pool left and right... went under water and just blinked her eyes a few times! Colton was a little more cautious, but still seemed to really enjoy being in the water. I was convinced they would be holding on to us screaming the whole class, but I was pleasantly surprised!
We are off camping for the weekend, hope everyone has a happy 4th!
Here is a picture of our grasshopper infestation in the backyard... they are EVERYWHERE!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
My little girl, how her name came to be...
Today, Ayla went upstairs and grabbed a book off the shelf, brought it downstairs and started flipping through it like she was reading. This may seem like I am looking into things, but of all the books she could have picked, she picked the one that we picked her name from. "The Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean Auel, has always been one of my favorites... well, since my mom would let me read it (it is kind of racy in certain parts :) ) The main character is a girl named Ayla, orphaned in the world at a very young age, back in the cavemen type era. I absolutely LOVED (and still do!) that name! As far back as high school (more than 10 years ago) I was saying I would have a little girl in 2007 named Ayla. Well, we had Colton in 2006, so I thought no way would we have a girl in 2007! But we did get pregnant. We chose not to find out if she would be boy or girl, but I really hoped for a girl!
So in May of 2007, we moved to the Flathead Valley in Kalispell, Montana. Small, but not insignificant, some of the main characters from the book, "The Clan of the Cave Bear" are from the Flathead tribe.
That is how Ayla's name came to be. And she was meant to be. Funny how things that seem so crazy... like having kids 14 months apart... can happen, and make your life all the better.
Her favorite color is purple... just like mine was when I was little.
Her favorite food is chocolate milk... as I am sure it was one of my favorites
She loves to wear her boots with anything... rubber boots and dresses... cute. I guess I did that alot when I was little, too.
She is so bossy and independent... just like I was (am?)
I think she is a mini-me! Only WAY cuter!!!
Love you Ayla, Shmayla!
Colton's birthday is next week... our special little rascal! I can't wait till he sees my "special" gift, just for him! And Tyler has big plans of an elaborate tractor cake... we will see.
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