Friday, February 25, 2011

{this moment} inspired by Amanda Soule- A Friday ritual. Photos - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Yes, you read that right! Can you believe it? We hardly can either!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Colton's pictures in February

We have quite the family of photographers... Colton and Ayla love taking pictures with our camera. I'd say they do a pretty good job!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sicknesses and Snow

The kids have been getting over a cold... you know the cough, runny nose and general stuffiness. AND NOW Kellen has a fever. Last night it got as high as 102.5! Thank goodness for Advil, and mama's patience. (Tyler was gone last night) We didn't get much sleep.
But he seems in good spirits when he is medicated, and we might make the trip to our wonderful doc later today.
And later today, we are supposed to get a pretty good snowstorm. Unfortunately, Tyler will be driving home in it. But he is pretty used to this weather by now. I try not to worry about him constantly.
Isn't Kellen so cute in these legwarmers and woolie? I just couldn't resist taking pictures of his cute little bum!And Ayla feeding him a bottle... he is one of my babies that actually takes a bottle quite well. Such a sweet boy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lone Pine

We have a state park by our house called Lone Pine. It is such a great place to hike and explore nature, and I have missed it so much on this knee hiatus! We went up there the other day for a class for the kids, and then we went back later and hiked around. It seems every year around Valentine's Day we head up there... I think by then we are itching to be out in the wilderness. So, I thought I would share a few photos from our time up there, and then some from past February's.
From February 2009::

From February 2010:: From this year ::

I will really miss this place come May.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Kellen's top teeth

I just wanted to show you guys' this little boys top teeth... I think they are so cute!
He is just the sweetest little guy, even when he has a cold (right now he has a horrendous cough, but it doesn't seem to hinder his attitude)
He is just starting to pull up on everything and showing signs of toddlerhood :( How does it happen so fast? He was just born, what, a little less than a year ago! A YEAR!? How does that happen? My boy is going to be a year in less than a month!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

why am I not here?

that is the question I ask myself daily... why are you not blogging today? You know what my answer is? I am busy!!!
So here are a few things we have been up to::

:: we found out we are moving to Abilene, Texas! At the beginning of May. Feels like it is tomorrow!

:: I am in my final weeks of physical therapy for my knee... only 3 more weeks, and then I have to take it a bit easy, but I should be back to running in May...

:: I have been knitting up a storm! I am almost done with my Shalom sweater... but.... I ran out of my butternut squash yarn and had to order some more. So that is on hold.

:: I started a jacket for Kellen, and hooded baby snuggler for someone that is having a baby...

:: the sun has been shining around here, and although it is still SUPER cold (I mean in the teens mostly) we have been trying to get outside; now that I am not as scared to slip and fall and mess up my knee again. The kids have been loving it! They even rode their bikes. It took a couple pedals for them to remember how to do it, but they figured it out!

:: Kellen has been being mischievous. He JUST recently realized that he doesn't have to lay on his back in his crib (I don't know why it has taken him this long to even try to roll over in there!)... so he is having a tough time calming down for bedtime. Or naps. That kid hates naps. I swear that he only sleeps maybe 45 minutes during the day. Sometimes he sleeps well at night, and sometimes he doesn't. Oh well, he is REALLY super cute and makes up for the lack of sleep.

:: I recently discovered a Chinese food restaurant that is SO good here in Montana... The Alley Connection. Just thought I would through that out there.

Hope everyone has a great week.... Tyler is gone for a work thing for a couple days so it is just me here to hold down the fort. I am SO not looking forward to him EVER being deployed. Three days is tough!

I will post pics soon!

Friday, February 4, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.