Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A couple glimpses into our living space

So in the move, we changed up a couple things. The biggest one is that we chose not to have the TV downstairs in the living room/family room area. This has been a huge positive change for us. No longer do I get stuck watching a stupid show or have the kids begging to watch something... which leads me to another change... we decided no cable for us. We did however order Netflix and get movies from the library on a weekly basis. The kids get to watch a movie after lunch, while I nap with Kellen or get a project done. This is also a huge improvement. I cannot say enough good things about it. I am such a fan.

The kids have their little corner of the area downstairs, behind the couches. We decided to put up the teepee as a reading corner and that has also worked out fabulous. Plus, it looks adorable. With their books, which was an ongoing battle with me, we decided to pack up most of them, and do a rotating library for them. Each week they pick out a couple books for upstairs and a couple for downstairs, we put them in their baskets and it makes cleanup so much easier! Plus, they really get to appreciate certain books for the whole week, and they seem to really dig it. I was so skeptical of putting the books away, but it has created a lovely amount of peace for the family.

Our downstairs really has become a favorite place to be (maybe because it is cooler?) and I really enjoy the decor we have chosen. We didn't really mean to go with the red and white and blue, but it seems to work! Plus, I guess we are pretty patriotic.

Well, I am off to nap. Maybe.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"Our" park

This is the park which is about 2 minutes walk from our house. The kids love it. Tyler and I love it. You can usually find us there most days between 8am to 10am or 8pm to 9pm depending on when the kids wake up and when we want to put them to bed.
Colt and Ayla usually bring their favorite stuffed animals and play with them. If Tyler is there, he plays monster with them. I either walk around it, or push Kellen on the swing (his favorite).
It is so nice to have a great park so close.... I just wish most of the day wasn't SO incredibly hot!!!

Oh, and hardly anyone is ever there!? Maybe the weather, I don't know. So the kids refer to it as "OUR" park... and ask when anyone else is there, why they are at OUR park!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My boy is officially walking!

My little baby.... is officially a toddler!He has been "walking" for about a month off and on, but now he walks everywhere (well, except when he is busy with tractors! That kid loves his tractors!)

I cannot believe how fast they grow... and we will have another wee one in just a few short months! My goodness.

Friday, June 17, 2011

{This Moment}

inspired by Amanda Soule of Soulemama::
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pa, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Granna and Papa's place

We went to Dallas this past weekend, and in spite of some mishaps, had a great time at Ikea and the zoo (yes, those were my main two objectives when we were there!).

But first.... I wanted to share the pictures from Granna and Papa's place in Arizona. They just moved down there (although they are back up in Oregon right now), and they bought a great place near my dad's sisters'. A four bedroom house for $42,000 ... can't get better than that right? So I don't have many pics of the actual house, just some cute kids running around doing crafts and helping cook... that will have to do!