We had alot of fun over that weekend, with lots of games played, good food made, naps were taken, and even some pretty christmas ornaments made! The kids had a wonderful time (and so did the adults!!)
I have started my walking regiment; getting out there every(?) day. I am also trying to be more conscious of what I am eating... not just to drop the baby weight, but to see what affects Kellen, too. He is definitely showing more typical baby qualities... fusing in the evening; not letting us eat dinner peacefully (whatever that is, right?!); and waking up frequently at night. Still, he is very sweet and I can't get enough of him! I love to have him sleep on my chest, and catch his little grins! Babies!
oh, babies are so sweet. It's a good thing too.
mmm... can't wait to get my niece and nephew fix! Aiden needs a cousin fix too... and Natalie is ready to chase the big kids. (oh and a SIL fix too) :)
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