Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration, kitties, and puzzles

Colton is completely obsessed with puzzles! And he is amazingly good at them... he did the one below all by himself, and he has a couple others that he does over and over and over and over and over again! What fun!

No, this is not cruel and unusual punishment... he climbed in there himself, and I think that Ayla closed the door, so Tyler decided to take a picture... Jack is a kitty that likes to climb into anything, so we really have to watch it! (and Sofa just watches!)

While we watched history take place today, Ayla sat almost still on my lap mesmorized for 20ish minutes with President Barack Obama... it was amazing! I can't believe how important this day is for our Country and I am so excited and nervous with the changes that I believe will come. Granted they won't come tomorrow, but I do believe that they will come and they will be mostly positive. Obama seems to encourage hope in the darkest of our midst... amazing....

Oh, and today, we had our first homevisit for our upcoming certification for foster care. We actually could be licensed this week and get a call for some kiddoes in need! We just needed to get a fire extinguisher and carbon monoxide detector, and we did today at the Home Depot... so we are all set! Exciting, but I am full of nervousness too. It will be a daunting task, but I believe it is a very worthwhile one. Wish us well!

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