Monday, January 10, 2011

Dog Sledding in Montana

Since we are leaving this beautiful place this year, we decided to spend some money on something we wouldn't have otherwise... dog sledding!We had the perfect excuse:: out of town guests! One of my best friends, Bianca and her boyfriend Chris came to visit for the weekend from Wisconsin. So since Chris and I had bum knees, we couldn't really do the normal winter stuff that most people enjoy here in Montana. I did some research and found Dog Sled Adventures. It was such a great time! The dogs were WELL loved and the ride was fun. Colton sat right in front of me and even though he is a boy of few words (in the presence of others) he giggled and laughed along the way. Kellen fell asleep snuggled on Tyler's chest behind me, and Ayla even got a little catnap sitting in the other sled on Bianca's lap!
I strongly encourage trying this out if you are in this area.When the sled ride was done, Ayla (who is more of a cat than dog person) pet almost all of the dogs that pulled her sled. She was so cute with them, and they all were really sweet! The owner said he rescues about 30% of his dogs, and he had 110!! All healthy and happy looking.Right now the two older kids are playing "dog sled" with their dog stuffed animals.... so cute!On another note, I am thinking I need to make a goal for myself. On my friend, Marisa's blog (owner of Seaworthy) she made a comment on how she would like to write more letters (yes, actually hand written letters!), so I am responding to her by saying that I will definitely do this and my goal, which may sound pathetic, but I think it may be doable is two letters a month.
Isn't it just so nice to receive a hand written letter from a friend or relative? I absolutely love it, but it doesn't happen often! So to 2011, I will write more letters (along with Marisa). Will you? Post your pledge here and I will remind you every month on this blog to get your letter(s) written. Who's with me!?

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