Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So, I went for a walk last night, while Tyler was putting the kids to bed. Recently, someone had mentioned that they were the hippie of their family. And I had answered, "Yeah, Me too!"
But what makes me a hippie? I mulled this over, and of course the obvious came to mind ::

*I recycle
*I use cloth diapers (and when I don't, I use chlorine free diapers)
*I try to buy organic food, and clothing when possible
*I try to find and buy from companies within the US (not sure if this qualifies, but it sounds good)

etc, etc...

Then, I thought "but why does that make me a "hippie" per se?"


Because I think, and truly believe, that everyone should do these things!

And a light came on, and I figured that THAT was exactly why I am a so called hippie.

This Earth was meant for us to live on, but SO MANY people take advantage of our dwindling resources (it is pathetic).
Some people use God to hide behind; some just use laziness. And think "what does it matter if I do these things, it won't change anything".

But if everyone even did one of those things I listed that makes me a "hippie" we would actually see a difference. And I truly believe this.

And here is the definition of HIPPIE (per wikipedia) Noun: (esp. in the 1960s) A person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair and wearing beads, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

I guess I am not a hippie after all!

HaHa! :)

Monday, August 29, 2011


Yesterday, we had quite an eventful day. Tyler had the weekend off, which we weren't sure would happen until it was upon us. And I had scheduled us a photo session with a local. The lovely Tia, from Tia Colleen Photography to be exact. She is new to professional photography, but as you can see from her blog, she really has a great eye for it, and I think she will do awesome!
I had the idea to get henna done on my belly, kind of for just a fun thing to do. So I bought this kit, and was going to do it myself. I mentioned this to Tia, and she said "I have a friend that actually is thinking of starting doing this thing, maybe she will want to practice on you?" And so it was planned for her to henna me up! It took about 2 hours to do, and I really like it. Today it is even darker, so I excited to see how long it will actually stay on. I really think peacocks are adorable, so that is the direction we went with it... and his name is actually on the other side of the belly, but I can't really reveal that right now, can I now?
Anyways, the kids got a little bit done on their hands, and it looks so cute. They have been obsessed with drawing on their arms right now. And I can't say no, can I?

On another note, we started "homeschool" today, and so far, it is really fun. I find myself really being involved with the kids instead of just watching them grow up. They are really into learning. And although Colton is further along than the curriculum, we decided to just take it slow and really let him take the time to learn more of the basics, while expanding on the stuff he is really interested in during other "learning sessions". This way, Ayla is right there with him learning the basics and both are taking the time to fully grasp just being a kid. I really like the Oakmeadow curriculum, and have been learning myself.
Even though we have found that homeschooling is not popular with everyone we know and love, this is the decision that feels oh-so-right for our family at the moment. Who knows where it will take us. (in the bundle of curriculum I bought on Craigslist, I received up till 3rd grade...)

Friday, August 26, 2011

:: This Moment ::

I am really going to try to do this on Fridays again... I have been slacking in the blogging department (sorry Ben).

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Inspired by Amanda Soule

Monday, August 22, 2011

::The last two weeks in projects::

These last two weeks I have been busy making some things on my "project list". I keep said list with birthday presents, holiday presents, new baby presents, and especially Christmas presents carefully selected from my random craft books (mostly sewing or knitting). I don't however always get all of the projects done, but it is nice to have a list to look at and check off!

First, I used a pattern out of Handmade Home by Amanda Soule to make the baby sling. It is made out of good quality muslin, and lets just say, I love it! It is so soft and simple, and I can't wait to put baby in it!

Next, I finally finished my homemade "boppy", or nursing pillow. This fabric I bought a couple years ago off of Etsy, and I have been saving for the perfect project. It is thicker, which I thought would come in handy. I stuffed it with bamboo stuffing and I think it will work well. This is from the book Simple Sewing for Baby, by Lotta Jansdotter. I know with my other babies, I would use my boppy on and off, but it all depends on how much time I had to nurse!

Then I finally finished this project! It was started when Kellen was a wee one, and I just finished the knitting part last December. It is called a baby bean bag from Essential Baby by Debbie Bliss. I love the feel of it, and think an infant would love the texture. I just have to find something to fill it with. I don't really want to use the beanbag beads, but will if i have to. Any suggestions?

Here is me knitting this with Kellen in my lap last June!

I also transformed a nightgown my mom had given me into a cute little nightgown for Ayla. I love it, and so does she! It was intended for her birthday (wish is a little over 2 weeks away!?), but she saw it and begged, and of course, I caved in. I plan to make another just for her birthday with different trim. I handmade this bias tape with some seahorse fabric I had (pink of course!) and kind of just made the pattern as I went. It was fun!Before

and After::

Finally, I made some cute little burp cloths last night for baby. I just took some rectangles of birdseye fabric, doubled it up and added some biased tape. Basic pattern from this book also. I had noticed that some of the ones I have, that I made for some of the other kids smelled of rotten milk.... yuck!
Here is me and baby at 35 weeks and a couple days... time is moving fast!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

This week was a week of tough decisions for us (me, really). Well, only one actually.

Even though I thought I really wanted this little boy to start school....We decided that we would homeschool this year. At least give it a good try. I just got to thinking how hard it was going to be to get the three, soon to be four kids, ready EVERY morning, Monday through Friday. To be out the door by 7:30am, with four kids!!
(they look completely innocent, but REALLY, they can be monsters at times!)
Now don't get me wrong, people actually are able to accomplish this. I however, don't think I am up for the task.
I have contemplated homeschooling for awhile now... and thought I didn't have the patience for it. Which I might not... however, I do believe that it will come. And I get to wake up whenever the baby (or babies) wake me up... not by 6:30 every morning to make sure they all have enough time to get up and dressed and out the door.
Really, it is Colton that hates the morning. That kid would sleep in till 10 if we let him. He doesn't like to go to bed early either... so I think this will work for us. Besides it is kindergarten, and we have the option to put him in school next year.

Oh, and if Tyler happens to get deployed soon (not that he is, but it could happen) then I would have the option to head back to Oregon. Which would be nice to have help during that time.

In the meantime, we are awaiting baby number four. I am finishing up some projects:: I made a nice sling for him, and finished a bean bag pillow (just need filler for it). Also, knitting some cute little vests and gnome hats for Halloween... next up is a knitted wolf hat and mittens and maybe tail for Colton for Halloween. Ayla is wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood (which all happen to tie in together kind of) so I will be hopefully making her a cape for her birthday. I have plans to make her an outfit for her birthday, but that girl has so many clothes, that I might hold off and save it for Christmas!
My project list is pretty long, and who knows how much I will actually get checked off before the babe comes, but it sure is nice to check them off.
OH, speaking of checking things off a list... check out this blog post over here. I ordered this app for our IPod touch, and so far, so good! Nice to be able to gold star finished tasks :)

Just in case anyone asks... we are going to use the Oak Meadow Curriculum for Colton and Ayla (why not, right?). I found a smoking good deal for a used set of K-3rd grade on Craigslist, so I went for it. I have a feeling Colton will be ready for the 1st grade stuff. This kid is chomping at the bit to read!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

::Right now::

Right now we are finding things to enjoy, despite the heat.

Golfing as a family (we only golfed 4 holes, but the kids had a blast driving the carts!)
Running away from everyone on the golf course (or stealing everyone's golf balls!)
Reading countless books.

staying in PJ's for a good part of the morning.

Enjoying my one cup of coffee sitting in my favorite chair.

Having thunder, lightning and sweet rain since early this morning (Saturday!) ::: so nice!

Watching tumblebooks online.

Seeing Ayla become obsessed with these beautiful dresses that her Grandma and I scored at the local (well, used to be :( up in Kalispell) consignment shop. She looks so darn adorable, even if they are size 5-6!)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Oldies but goodies! Easter 2011

NO, Texas did not suddenly sprout awesome snow capped mountains!! (Or wonderful friends who I miss so much!) BUT... I was going through some old folders of photos (on the computer of course) and came across these. I thought to myself, wow, what great photos! Then I looked back on Easter 2011, and realized I only posted a couple of them.... so here is some more great pictures of our beloved Flathead Lake, that we miss so much, and our beloved friends, Becca, Luke, Kadence and Gracyne, who we miss more!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

While we were away...

The kids and I just got back from vacation in Oregon. We left Tyler at home to fend for himself, and we visited lots of family for 3 weeks.
This was the first year that the older two kids were left with the grandparents overnight for more than one night! They had a blast!! It is amazing how well they behave without us there to supervise (or so I am told!) Kellen and I headed to the Portland area and bonded (he is now a COMPLETE mama's boy!) and hung out with my sister, Leecia; one of my best friends, Jaime and family; and my parents out at our old house in Boring. We had lots of fun.

Meanwhile, Tyler was back in Texas slaving away in some oppressive heat! He worked most days and then in the evening he would ... golf! There were even a couple days that he golfed twice in a 12 hour period. That is a lot of golf!! But he also managed to get a lot of projects done around the house... 3 bathrooms were painted; one table with 4 chairs were cleaned (and this was major) sanded, primed and painted and then distressed ... I absolutely LOVE the table and chairs!
He also painted two bookcases (which he said was the most work, because they required many coats of yellow); and the outdoor furniture got a touch up too.

That was my honey-do list... and he did every single thing! I guess that is what you get when you don't have TV in the house.

I love this man, for more than just being the best husband ever!!!

I have to admit that I thought he might forget to eat without us here, so thank you so much to a couple neighbors and friends for feeding him while I was gone! I am proud to announce he did not loose any weight (that is a feat all in itself).

Pictures of our trip might be a little while in coming.... I did not bring a camera with us, and had to use a couple disposable ones. Patience is key.

33 weeks (still 7 weeks left... really?)

Here I am at 33 weeks. With our little boy (unless they were wrong!) We are so excited to welcome him into the family... and the seven weeks probably can't go fast enough with this heat we are having!