Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thanks to Tyler

Thanks to Tyler for so many things.
Colton. Ayla. Kellen. First (second and third) and foremost!
For being a thoughtful, kind and caring husband; father; friend.
Always up for playing with the kids, or taking the baby.
Cooking dinner when I need him to.
Doing all the yardwork.
Doing a heck of a lot more of the housework than he probably should.
Putting up with my craziness needed to create something or another.

This post was meant for Father's Day, but alas, it was not.
We had a great day; a failed attempt at the beach, settling for the lake. Ice cream sandwiches for lunch; some sprinkler time; and wonderful steak & fries for dinner.

Thanks for everything Tyler. We love you to the moon and beyond. Always.

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