Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving days

So for Thanksgiving, we spent some time at our friends, Shana and Justin's parents house, where Colton and Ayla got to ride Drifter the horse again! They did not want to get down... I think they like animals. Ayla spent time chasing around the chickens and turkeys and then fell a couple of time in horse poo! (But it was cold and practically frozen, so not a big deal!)

We spent the morning at the park near our house exploring... Tyler and Ayla were hiding from Colton. Colton spent a lot of time running ahead and telling us to come. What a character!

Ayla insists on walking everywhere! She is getting pretty good and doesn't need much help most of the time. Both are independent when they want to be.

This is a horse jump that is at the park, and they decided to climb up into it, Ayla leading the way of course!

What cute Mariners fans! Even when they don't do too well, these three still wear the name proudly! (Don't mind the mess in the back!)
All in all a nice Thanksgiving with good food and good company. We got our Christmas tree the day after and decorated it all pretty. While we were finding the perfect tree, we also kept our eyes and ears out for deer, and although I spotted one off the road, the little bugger took off before Tyler could get the gun out of the minivan! Ha! So we went again today (Saturday) but Tyler was not lucky again. On our way down the mountain, of course, we happened to pass two bucks and a doe eating happily in a field marked with private property! Too bad we follow the rules! Maybe better luck tomorrow for Tyler, as it is the last day of hunting season. Wish him luck!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This is Colton at 11 months! (How cute is he?!) And he loved being pushed around in the Moose Drool box....

... This is Ayla at 14 months... loving being pushed around in a Moose Drool box (different one, of course)....

... And still yet, this is Colton at 28 months... and still trying to fit into the box so he can be pushed around like his sister! What little rascals! And no, we don't drink that much beer, but the kids just happen to like those boxes... and they are pretty.

And this is the kids camped out in the living room on our old mattress! They thought it was so cool to have the mattress downstairs so they could watch Bob the Builder from "their bed". Notice how relaxed Ayla is, and Colton is off in his bob the builder world. That kid would watch that show all day... if we let him. We limit him to 3 episodes a dayish... most are 13 min. long! Ayla could care less most of the time, but she is posing here at least! Happy Thanksgiving to all and any who read this (just in case I don't post anything till after!)

Monday, November 24, 2008

The last week...

Look at how sweet these kids are!? They were rolling around on the floor just giggling up a storm! How I love their smiling faces, especially when it doesn't end in disaster, as it often does!

This is the new towel (well, not new, cause I bought it at the Salvation Army, but ...) that I added an adorable hood and ribbon to... I need to sew up the sides, but Ayla loves to wear it, except when she walks, because it is still a little too long!

... And here is my new hobby for now! Knitting! A local shop has a beginner's knitting class on Saturdays, so my friend Jill and I walked down there, and learned a little. I have high aspirations for making a hat for me and then maybe some knit wool soakers for Ayla for night time... I would love to learn to knit the adorable leg warmers and maybe some knit tights... maybe I will start with the hat, and then scarves for Colton and Ayla! and then maybe some others... I am pretty busy with Xmas presents and I am making some diapers for some local people, and then a dress for Ayla for Thanksgiving, and then some skirts for her... and it seems Ayla gets a lot of stuff, but it is so fun to make cute girl stuff! Danielle, I hope you have a girl, and then I will have more things to make, or at least pass on!
Oh, and we are visiting Oregon for xmas... we are excited and even though we swore we wouldn't do it again... here we go!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Making hats

Well, lately in my spare time I have been trying to finish up my hats for the mama to mama project. It is such a great thing to do, and I have been having fun doing it, even though my sewing machine isn't exactly the best thing, and I really wish I had a serger! Maybe someday! But I plan to make about 20 hats and hopefully 2 receiving blankets to send to Maine for kits that they send to Haiti for newborns there. I hope they help someone.
So we have been as a family keeping track of our spending so we could see where our money goes, and we found that it is amazing how much money we spend on food! It seems like we are buying something that pertains to food everyday! How does that happen? We have enough food in the house? Why are we always buying more, even when we don't need it? But it is hard to get in the mindset that food is just to nourish our bodies. We do not need to eat extravagant meals or anything, and we do not need dessert everyday, even though I may think so! So I am trying to convert to a different mindset... not just to save us money, but so that we are more conscious of what we actually do eat and what we waste.
It was so cute this last week when I was sick and aching, the kids found more time to come and snuggle with me! It was so sweet, but sometimes they would fight for the best spot!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sick days

So I have been sick since Saturday with a stomach bug, but now I am finally feeling a little better, thank goodness! I don't know how people deal with chronic pain! My mom is my hero! Just to not know when the pain is going to stop is the worst feeling... I liked labor more, if you can believe that! Well, anyways, not much got done this weekend; Tyler had to leave Sunday and stay the night in Butte, and then he came back Monday morning and had to go back there yesterday, and didn't get home until midnight! That man drives ALOT!
I pretty much was a wastoid living on the couch, taking care of the kids when they needed me, but really just "resting", if you can rest when your in pain!
This morning I finally got to cleaning a little and Colton even joined in, he loves the swiffer! So now the carpet can be seen again and waffles are made for the week. But... the dishes are another story! Haven't gotten to those yet! Maybe Tyler will do them, I cleaned the kitty litter box after all!
Did anyone watch the Biggest Loser last night?! I was so happy to see Vicki's world get rocked when her husband was sent home!!! That woman is a witch! I can't believe how she has manipulated everyone on her team and thinks she is the queen! Ha, Ha! But in the previews of next week, it shows her being even more of a witch! I can't wait! Anyways, hope everyone had a great weekend, and veterans day. Thank you to all my fellow Veterans out there, although it feels weird to call myself a veteran... kind of undeserved comparatively!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Why do I even try to clean?

It seems to me that I am constantly cleaning! I don't know if anyone else has this problem? Sometimes I wonder WHY I even clean up; it's just going to be messy when I turn around. But before Ayla was eating food and walking around, I admittedly only vacuumed maybe once a week. Now, because of the obvious crumbs and whatever else, I am vacuuming at least once a day! And the mess is highly concentrated under a little one whose name rhymes with flayla! She is soooo messy! I guess I had it coming... I seem to recollect my parents telling me that when I was younger they called me Missy Messy Brooke! So maybe it runs in the family? She sure is cute though!
This morning she DID NOT want us to take off her pajamas, so we tied them around her neck like a cape, and she is STILL wearing them! Colton on the other hand, has been EXTREMELY whiny! My favorite. But at least he stops when we put on Bob the Builder!
Well, I better get back to cleaning... I have the Pampered Chef party tonight, so I better at least try to pick up, right?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My little rascals

Just a little note about our little rascals! These kids, especially Ayla, are into EVERYTHING! She learns how to climb onto, into, under, above, everything. She learned how to climb into the toybox, but hasn't quite learn how to climb out safely! She fell backwards out of it right after this picture, hit her head; cried a bit; recovered with jellybelly but she was back in there almost instantaneously! Such a trooper! Hope everyone has a great day.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hope for America

After staying up half the night watching the numbers from the polls come in, and hearing 2 speeches from two great men who obviously love their country, I have come to realize how much we have to learn here in America. On one hand, Barack Obama offered hope for our nation like no other hopeful could; he represented so much just by being black and having the name that he was given at birth, and he offered so much more with his words and apparent wisdom. And on the other hand, was John McCain, a great man in his own right, who deserves much of the praise given to him by his followers and the respect of everyone in this country. This election did, as all elections do, divide families, friends, co-workers, neighbors, anyone and everyone, because everyone could see that either of these men would do all they could in the next 4 years to make America better; to start the healing process of all our losses. Personally, I voted for Barack Obama, but in my heart I believe that whatever the nation chose last night, it would be for the better.
Part of me is sad for McCain, and heck, even for Bush, because no matter what some say, the Republican party did not do this to our nation, to put blame there would be misplaced, for in reality, we did this to ourselves. Our need for the best, and the brightest, and the need for it now surpassed all of our actual needs, and that shows that we are a superficial country that has come to a point in our lives where we need to make a choice. A choice to live within our means, and put our time and efforts into our most prized posessions..our children. Our children need our time and they deserve or efforts. And when I say our children, I don't just mean those of us that are lucky enough to have our own children, but the children that are forgotten, the children who are lost in the system that seems to have forgotten them and their families. We need to make our schools better, our streets safer, our families stronger. Volunteer your time, your wisdom, your experience.
I hope for our great country that we can overcome these hard times, and I hope for Obama that he can lead us with his words and his actions, and earn the trust of those that are skeptics. Good luck.
On a way lighter note, Colton has been busy playing with playdough and watching Bob the Builder in his free time... what a talented kid! (Just kidding, well, he's talented, but not that talented yet... Tyler built the tractors, but Colton loves them!)
We, meaning Colton, Ayla and myself, went to a playgroup today that sounded so promising. There was childcare for 1.5 hours and free coffee and snacks for me... but I was a little disappointed. First of all, it was located at a church, and not that I have anything against Churches, but I am a little uncomfortable because of my lack of beliefs... however, I was intrigued. So we went. Colton screamed to the point I could hear him where I was (in another room) and so I went and got him. And he sat quite nicely while people stood before us and talked about mostly religious things. I think I would have liked it better, had there been a time to actually talk to other women and just converse and drink coffee! I guess I am a simple person with simple wants, but I think I would have rather played with my kids at home then be lectured. Maybe I'll give it one more chance... free childcare, after all! And Ayla really enjoyed it!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted for the first time!

Of course, I didn't vote today, but I did vote about 2 weeks ago by mail in vote, and it seemed very empowering! I have never voted, and not because I didn't want to or because I didn't have an opinion, but mostly because I felt like MY vote really wouldn't matter. How wrong I was, and how I realize that now. Because I know I probably wasn't the only one who felt like this and decided not to vote, so when you add them all together, it could be thousands, or tens of thousands of people! How exciting to be a part of this particular election! And to call this one my first... I know I will always remember this.
So I watched Oprah today, and I shed a couple tears I have to admit! They had people on the show who had just received their citizenship and this was their first time voting. And just seeing the pride in their faces for actually being able to vote was overpowering! To take this right for granted seems so shallow and wrong to me now! Wow!
Well, here is another thing, please check out this website and see what you think... It is an interesting and helpful way to at least feel useful doing some sewing! Such a good cause to help save babies. Good luck! Hope everyone got out to vote for our next President!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Taking Time for yourself!

What a concept, right? How can I, as a mother, even think about taking time for myself? I'm too busy cleaning up the whirlwind of stuff they leave behind, or planning dinners, or doing laundry, etc. to even have a chance to potty train Colton! How could I spend time for ME! But, to be a better mother, I am finding out that I really really need this! Whether it be to have special time to sew something, or go for a walk, or just go to the bathroom alone (what a concept!)
So, I hurt my back yesterday (AGAIN! I know!) But it isn't as bad as the last time... I am not crawling around on my hands and knees. Although my back is letting me know that I need to be a little more careful as I am bending down to pick up toys with Ayla on my hip! What I really need to do is start running again... that would be ideal. Maybe some yoga... anything to help my back.
I remember when I was in Japan, and it was nothing to run 4-8 miles in a day. Now, running around the block seems daunting! How to get back in it? I guess the best answer is start slowly. And build on it. Sounds easy enough, but is it easy enough in November in Northwestern Montana? Definitely not. The snow is coming any day, and who runs in the snow? I guess I will just have to play it by ear, and put it off a little bit more. Maybe we can join a gym, with a babysitter? Wouldn't that be nice?
Well, I better get back to being the best mother I can be, without really bending or picking the kids up. I guess Tyler will have to pick up the house later!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ouch pouches

Just thought I would share a little craft that I make that is very useful for the little ones boo boos; It's called the "ouch pouch". First you take two little squares of fabric in any size bigger than 3", bigger to make it easier. Next, put them together with the fabric print to the inside, so you will be sewing it together with the unfinished sides on the outside.
Then sew around three edges, in straight lines, with about 1/4" seam. Turn it inside out, so the pretty fabric is on the outside now, fill it halfway with the filler, and then tuck in the remaining side, and sew across a couple times. Now you have a little pouch that you can either put in the freezer for later use as a comfy icepack, or store in a drawer, and when your rugrat hurts him/herself, then pop it in the microwave for 20ish seconds, and you have a little heat pack!

Now, for fillers you can either use rice, which works decently but doesn't stay warm or cold for too long (couple minutes, maybe) or use whole flax seed, which supposedly retains the heat or cold for much longer (but is more expensive, too!) You can also add cinnamon or cloves to your rice or flax to give it some smell when you microwave. As an alternative, you can fill with lavender seeds and have a wonderful smelling pouch to put in a drawer or maybe in the dryer for a little bit (at the end of drying). Hope someone enjoys this little craft. You could even do this by hand if you don't have a sewing machine, just make sure you keep your stitches small and close together to prevent any rice or seed escaping! Good luck.

The picture of Ayla is her in her other new skirt! It is reversible and one side is made out of a pillowcase! It is soo cute, and sticks out like a lampshade. I am so in love with it! Colton wanted to pose by our Halloween tree with one of his favorite pouches! What a character...

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Wow! I cannot believe that it is already November! Time flies so fast! Well, Halloween was really fun last night! Ayla was an adorable unicorn, and Colton was a shy elephant. They loved ringing doorbells and holding their candy bags out! Ayla had a piece in each hand and would NOT let go... it was funny. We tried to get Colton to say "Trick or treat" but he would just look down at the floor. But he would say thank you at every house!
We only went around the block and then we came home. There were a couple trick or treaters that came to our house, but we still have some treats left!
This morning we slept in until 8am... but after breakfast, I went out to the garage and made an adorable little skirt for Ayla! I am in love with it! I think there is nothing cuter than a little girl in some crazy tights with a skirt that doesn't really match! I love it. She is also wearing one of the dresses I made her in one of the other pics. Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday and start to November!