So for Thanksgiving, we spent some time at our friends, Shana and Justin's parents house, where Colton and Ayla got to ride Drifter the horse again! They did not want to get down... I think they like animals. Ayla spent time chasing around the chickens and turkeys and then fell a couple of time in horse poo! (But it was cold and practically frozen, so not a big deal!)
We spent the morning at the park near our house exploring... Tyler and Ayla were hiding from Colton. Colton spent a lot of time running ahead and telling us to come. What a character!
Ayla insists on walking everywhere! She is getting pretty good and doesn't need much help most of the time. Both are independent when they want to be.
This is a horse jump that is at the park, and they decided to climb up into it, Ayla leading the way of course!
What cute Mariners fans! Even when they don't do too well, these three still wear the name proudly! (Don't mind the mess in the back!)
All in all a nice Thanksgiving with good food and good company. We got our Christmas tree the day after and decorated it all pretty. While we were finding the perfect tree, we also kept our eyes and ears out for deer, and although I spotted one off the road, the little bugger took off before Tyler could get the gun out of the minivan! Ha! So we went again today (Saturday) but Tyler was not lucky again. On our way down the mountain, of course, we happened to pass two bucks and a doe eating happily in a field marked with private property! Too bad we follow the rules! Maybe better luck tomorrow for Tyler, as it is the last day of hunting season. Wish him luck!
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