Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Finished with a lot of things... well almost

Today I feel like I got alot of stuff accomplished... although looking back, I guess it isn't too much! Ha! I donated to a local charity, moved a chair downstairs, got Ayla some meds.... and finished a couple dresses for gifts. Just need to finish a couple diapers and get some pics of them to put on etsy and what not, and then I should be good!
I am so excited about my recycled stuff I am making... I almost feel like I am making the world a better place for my kids. I hope so, at least :)
I made some yummy banana bread today, that the kids just gobbled up for snack. I had some buckwheat flour left over from my "I might be allergic to wheat" days and decided to finally use some of it. It gave the bread a really light, but rich taste (I think).
Colton has been using some pretty advanced words for a 2.5 year old... He said "Me didn't re-a-lize that the excavator had three buckets". Seriously.


Jill said...

I love how he uses such a big word with such an incorrect one(me instead of I).

The Three Little Bears said...

FYI: Come over to my page to check out the free diaper I am giving away.

Love... Hot Belly Mama