Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...

Our weekends always start out slow... we wake up slow; we eat breakfast slow; and we get dressed slow. Ayla takes this to heart, and gets dressed any which way! Here is a typical weekend morning for Ayla... boots, woolies and pajama shirt.

Then we decided to do a little watercolor painting... the kids made some great pictures and it lasted all of about 15 minutes.

This is an example of the training pants I have been making for the kids... adorable! Hope everyone had a great weekend! My friend, Angie and her husband Chris welcomed their 4th child into the world on Friday.. little Anna. And my best friend Jaime and her husband Erich celebrated the first birthday of their daughter, Addy! Yeah!


Jill said...

Those are adorable. I can't wait for Eve to wear some!

Danielle said...

I love these, I can't wait to make them for Aiden. Were they easy to make?